[Sep 13] UTAMA’s First 2019-2020 General Meeting

Hey everyone!! \(*≧∀≦*)/

Our first GM of the 2019-2020 school year is scheduled for Friday the 13th, at OISE 2212~ ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Doors will open at 5:30pm and the event starts at 6pm.

Come join us to socialize and meet fellow UTAMA members, playing some anime themed games, and maybe even win a raffle prize.

Be sure to eat a little beforehand as we will be going for dinner after the event (around 9pm).

Membership can be purchased beforehand, during office hours, or at the event itself.
A yearlong membership is $10 while a single semester is $7.
If you’re unsure about joining, a single admission ticket to the GM will be $2.

We hope to see everyone at the GM and all our future events~